Along with the olive and the almond fields, the vineyard is the third representative element of local agriculture. Nowadays also Organic wines.
Several wineries offer wines that raise their quality year after year, even winning important prizes and receiving great reviews.
The characteristics of the local wineries are unpretentious, family businesses, focused on winemaking not in design or marketing.
A pure, authentic experience typical of the local wine culture.
On this route there are a variety of possibilities, visiting wineries, having a wine in them, visiting a farm that produces organic wine in small quantities, visiting farms, tasting a “slow wine” …
In all cases it will be the producers themselves and farmers who will attend the visits. In some cases the visit will have a cost.
The duration will be determined by the activity that you want to do and the time you want to be in each place, this is not a closed route.
Remember that it is not obligatory to carry out the entire route either, and that you can combine it with other places, experiences or themed routes.